How eduLAB ICT resources are different from others

First, let me start with a bang! eduLAB only offers ICT resources for practical ICT units and ICT courses.

For a number of years, we’ve been focusing on providing virtual computer labs that complement colleges’ resources (often purchased through resource providers). While those resources were suitable for satisfying the knowledge-based evidence component, it lacked the direction and resources for performance-based assessments. Furthermore, colleges needed technical resources to meet what was required by the resources and the assessment conditions.

After years of trying to help colleges to resolve the problem, the only solution was to provide practical ICT resources that fill the much-needed gap.

If you ask, what makes eduLAB ICT resources unique? The answer will be:

  • Virtual computer lab: Resources come with a virtual computer lab where practical assessments can take place and evidence can be taken of those completed tasks for the trainer/lecturer to check and validate.
  • Performance evidence friendly: Focus on both performance evidence and the knowledge evidence.
  • Interactive guide: An online lab and learner guide is provided to better prepare students before they engage in the assessment tasks in the virtual computer labs.

Additionally, eduLAB provides documents for you to deliver ICT courses, such as:

  • Assessment Mapping
  • Student Assessment (Knowledge and Practical)
  • Assessor Marking Guide
  • Resources (Example, Policies and Procedures, Service Agreement, and more)
  • PPT for Trainers
  • Learner Guide

If you would like to add a practical ICT unit and want to see eduLAB ICT resources, please feel free to contact us for a demonstration.

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