Virtual Computer Labs

Are you still using a computer lab for technical education? Check out the benefits of using virtual labs. Work smarter, not harder, with eduLAB.

eduLAB: All labs in one place

Lab Portal: All your labs in one place

Whether you have 1 or 10 lab environments, eduLAB keeps all the virtual labs in one spot to easily access any unit of technical studies.

Compute Intensive Labs: Simple to Complex labs, No worries!

With eduLAB, you can have a simple lab with one virtual machine, or a complex lab with multiple virtual machines. Now you have the freedom to run programming, networking, and even cyber security courses with ease in eduLAB.

eduLAB: Simple to complex labs
eduLAB: Graphic Intensive Learning

Graphic Intensive Labs: eduLAB for Graphic Intensive Learning

If your students’ computers are not powerful enough to run 3D applications, use eduLAB!

Help Students: Don’t leave them hanging

A great learning experience comes with support when they need it. In eduLAB, trainers can access students’ portals, see what they are struggling with in real-time, and help them out.

eduLAB: learning experience
eduLAB: Evidence Report

Evidence Gallery: Receive results instantly

The ‘Take Evidence’ functionality in eduLAB allows students to take a screenshot as evidence of progress with their learning. This evidence is accessible by trainers in real-time and can be exported to your LMS.

Progress monitoring: Monitor the progress of practical learning

Conduct practical activities in eduLAB so you can monitor their progress of technical learning with ease.

eduLAB: Progress monitoring
eduLAB: Reports

Reporting: See what’s going on

eduLAB tracks attendance (how long each student has been in eduLAB), activity progress, and who is currently online.

Integration: Connect with the tools you are already using

  • Login from your LMS: Students can access eduLAB directly from their LMS page.
  • Single-Sign-On: Why create new login details when you can use the existing ones.
  • LTI: Coming soon.
eduLAB: SSO & Integrations