2021 eduLAB Client Interview with Shane Wilkinson from Melbourne Polytechnic (TAFE VIC)

“Bringing eduLAB on board was really useful. Our IT program went first, and it was such a success that we brought it in for the Engineering program too.”

– Shane Wilkinson

eduLAB Interview with Shane Wilkinson

Education delivery is changing. Due to Covid-19, the change occurred unexpectedly, and education providers had to act fast. One of the eduLAB’s priorities has been supporting colleges to transition smoothly from face-to-face delivery to online delivery. Out of many success stories, eduLAB has chosen Melbourne Polytechnic for the 2021 eduLAB Client Interview. If you would like to know how Melbourne Polytechnic (TAFE VIC) implemented the technology to maintain the quality of education services and exceeded the expectations of students and lecturers during the pandemic, see the interview below.

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