ICT unit ICTNWK557 - Configure and manage advanced virtual computing environments on eduLAB
eduLAB offers virtual lab environments that meet assessment conditions for practical ICT units. For ICTNWK557 (Configure and manage advanced virtual computing environments), the eduLAB environment has below components as you can see in the network diagram below:
- Management PC is used to connect and configure the virtualisation host and SAN storage via the web management portal
- SAN Storage will provide shared storage for the virtualisation host
- Virtualisation Host will host virtual machines on local and shared storage
- Router is responsible for the network connectivity between different networks and VLANs
Network Diagram
Activities suggested to meet performance evidence are:
- Plan and configure physical and virtual network interfaces on the Virtualisation Host to accommodate storage and production connectivity.
- Specify, design and implement VLANs for Human Resources, Academic and Student networks.
- Configure SAN storage system by initialising RAID pools, storage volumes, iSCSI security and securely provision shared volumes to the Virtualisation Host
- Install Virtual Machines on the local and shared datastores and configure network interfaces in the appropriate network subnets as per organisational requirement
- Secure the Virtualisation Host and SAN Storage appliance as per required user roles and configure permissions for the helpdesk and management team as per JEA (Just Enough Administration) principles
If you would like to access eduLAB’s virtual environment to deliver ICTNWK557 – Configure and manage advanced virtual computing environments, contact us for a free consultation and eduLAB demonstration.